Canon Scanning Solutions For Health Care
Special Pricing Available For Public Sector Organisations
Contact: 0800 328 1088 /

Patient data needs to be shared in a way that meets data protection regulations and slots into your wider IT infrastructure. This can be challenging as it often requires changes to legacy processes. Partnering with Canon, using any of the solutions featured below ensures seamless, efficient integration from day one
On-Site scanning is a solution that will help. By implementing document scanners in the critical places, the risk of losing important documentation is significantly reduced. Canon have a great record of helping the NHS in designing such solutions. They can range from smaller desktop devices in A&E receptions or consultation rooms all the way to central scanning facilities equipped with the imageFORMULA production scanners for medical records for example. Whatever the setup, any incoming document is always captured as quickly as possible and secured in a digital format.
Quality Patient Care Requires Quality Data Solutions

imageFORMULA DR-C230
Small stature, big performance. An ideal addition to any hospital department or even a busy GP surgery. Perfect for ad-hoc scanning.

imageFORMULA DR-S150
Support your organisation's digital transformation journey. From reception to radiology, from HR to A&E, the perfect compact scanner where large scale deployments are needed. Thanks to its network connectivity it offers secure login options and easy fleet management,

imageFORMULA DR-G2110
The ultimate scanner to help improve clinical efficiency. Optimised for high-speed productivity, superior image quality and dependable feeding performance. An A3 scanner for archiving patient records in busy A&E departments and bulk scanning outpatient documents